
I’ve been beavering away on my other blog over the last fortnight, only permitting myself the odd hour or so for gaming. I’m still ducking into Halo: Reach on a daily basis, racking up cRedits while I can; I’ve just cracked into the Eclipse rank, with over eight-and-a-half million cRedits earned. Well over a third of the way there, and I’m still learning new techniques to further speed up the acquisition. And it is still, of course, a great game to play :)

Halo begets Halo, of course, and – despite being distracted by the upcoming Festival season – I’m still mindful of my lingering desire to get at least one game a month off The List. With that in mind, I looked at the remaining effort required to polish off Halo: Anniversary: a couple of tricky Achievements, and solo & co-op Legendary playthroughs.

The Legendary playthroughs are nowhere near as daunting as they were back-in-the-day; with the advent of the Bandanna Skull and its infinite ammo capability, grenade spamming takes a fair chunk of the challenge out of it. But some of the Achievements looked a little trickier; The Library on Heroic without dying? The Library in less than 30 minutes on Legendary?

So off I went: grenade spamming my way through The Library netted the “no death” cheevo pretty quickly. The speedrun, on the other hand, took a bit more effort… and grenade jumps. A couple of key grenade jumps. But a lazy Sunday afternoon (after I’d got some writing out of the way!) saw them both knocked off without too much trouble.

A couple more Achievements (on the Keyes level) popped, but right now I’m feeling a bit guilty; I probably played a bit too much today (after all, there’s still about 28 posts left to write on the other blog), and I’ve still got fifteen levels to play through on Legendary before Anniversary is off The List. It’s not going to be a January game.

…but I pretty much knew that already. Last week, feeling a little bit desperate (even though only halfway through the month), I looked at one of my other Lists – the Things To Buy List. My objective? Something new that I already wanted that I could finish by the end of the month.

Solution: PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX.

What a bloody awesome game. As much as I loved the first Championship Edition, DX renders it absolutely obsolete with a ruleset that never fails to delight. There’s nothing like getting a 60+ ghost combo going, audio pitches going up as you urgently seek another power pill to stretch your combo even further. My HORI Stick (or one like it – mine, a much older model, lacks the turbo functionality) got a great workout as I pushed through all the Achievements in a couple of hours over two nights; another couple of nights saw me get an overall A-Rank on all maps, my personal completion requirement. A little more play to better a few key Friends, and I was done.

Finally, I had a little mojo lull a couple of days ago; rather than start something new (my standard response to any attack of the glums is to spend money), I decided to fire up an old friend: Rez. And I will state, here and now, that Area 1 is one of my most cherished gaming experiences; I love it ever-so-much, I really do. Most other Rez-fans will wax lyrical about Area 5, and I can understand that; but Area 1 is so beautiful, the music so joyous, the audio punches so perfect, that for me… well, it’s beyond compare.

That thought made me dig up my Rez (Part 1) post… which was made almost four years ago. So much has changed since then: the SO has since departed, and – rather than play on my old 23-inch widescreen monitor – this week I was playing on a 52-inch monster screen… with a decent sound system. As I played through it again in the dark, quite possibly annoying the neighbours with the bass-beat, I fell in love with Rez all over again.

In fact, there’s a task to the handful of you that read this: go play Rez. Area 1 if you like, Area 4 is a blinder too, Area 5 if you want the majesty. And if you don’t already own Rez? Well, you’ve got a shopping trip to do (to XBLA, or off to eBay for some PS2 or Dreamcast Rezzing). Go on; you won’t regret it.

8 thoughts on “ReachRezAnniversaryDX”

  1. Congrats, looks like all your Reach time has paid off for CE Anniversary!

    *whispers* Portal 2 ;)

  2. I really must make another concerted effort to try and finsh Rez. I’ve died on level 5 several times now and never quite completed it. I almost did it first go, but for some reason have never done as well any other time I’ve reached it.

  3. Go on then, Paul – there’s your job for the week. Hey, it’s no harder than the third section of Child of Eden

    Make sure you level your avatar up before tackling Area 5, though – a quick rinse of Area 1 should see you in Third Form with a couple of Overdrives up your sleeve. That should see you right :)

  4. Go the 360 version, Slash. The GD-ROM of Rez is notoriously finicky, and will probably require an azimuth re-alignment on your Dreamcast; in fact, I’ve got one Dreamcast that can play everything except Rez, and one the can play only Rez! :}

  5. Ok Pete, I think you’re about the 20th person who has told me to get Rez and since PS2 is the only option for me I have just ordered one from eBay. I was surprised how many were now available – I remember many moons ago from YakYak recommendations that I looked for it and they were rare and expensive. Much more reasonable pricing now. Grabbed Ico from the same seller so that is me done for about 5 months I’d say.

  6. @shimeril: worry not, sir; Rez is all of ninety minutes if played straight through (though it takes twenty hours to unlock everything). And Ico took me nine hours for my first fumbling playthrough, then three and two for the next couple of runs. So that’s about a rainy weekend’s work, I reckon ;)

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